Our School
Kilsyth Primary School is located in the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Established in 1910, the school has served the community of Kilsyth for over one hundred years. Set within a semi bush environment, the school grounds contain sports oval, basketball court, a ‘frog bog’ and native bushland zones. The main building houses Years Foundation to 4 students with Years 5 and 6 classes in the P21 Learning Neighbourhood. All classrooms have operable walls and the flexibility of learning spaces allow opportunities for students to develop the collaborative skills essential in the world of today. The school also has a Multipurpose Room, School Hall, Visual Arts Room, Library with dedicated Science teaching area, and extensive playground areas.


Our current enrolment of 177 students makes up eight grades. The student population is relatively culturally and linguistically homogenous, however there has been a small but significant increase in cultural diversity over recent years. Currently fifteen students are funded under the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD).

Our Foundation students are taught as a single year level; all other classes operate in multi-age level groups. The specialist program includes Physical Education, Science, Visual Arts and iLearn (computers and technology).  We also teach AusLan as our language and have an extensive values based education program.  Intervention programs include Levelled Literacy Intervention and targeted individual support.

The current staffing profile of 19.25 EFT staff members includes 1.0 Principal, 1.0 Assistant Principal, 1.0 Learning Specialist, 10.1 Classroom Teachers and 6.15 Educational Support staff.  There is a mix of age and experience across staff members.  In addition, Camp Australia staffs and manages an OSH care program, located on the school site.

The structured approach of our programs supports the explicit teaching of ICT skills. The provision of Interactive Whiteboards and mix of desktop and mobile devices throughout the school ensures ready access to ICT tools and the opportunities they provide. Google Apps for Education is used as a base for online learning and collaboration.

Kilsyth Primary School has a Teaching and Learning program that is driven by a culture of high expectations. Our Whole School Instructional Model is based on the Gradual Release Instructional Model and incorporates the High Impact Teaching Strategies and other evidence based teaching and learning strategies.  Consistent with this instructional model, the school has developed and implemented a number learning approaches including Synthetic Phonics, Science of Reading approach, CAFE Reading, VOICES (Six +1 Traits) Writing, Challenge Based Learning and enVision Mathematics.  These approaches provide structure and focused teaching at all levels with teachers providing a relevant and meaningful curriculum, which caters for individual learning styles and abilities, and social and emotional growth based on sound planning, skilled delivery and ongoing evaluation.

In 2018 the school began fully implementing a School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) approach.  Our school values of EXCELLENCE, RESILIENCE and RESPECT underpin all that we do in our classrooms, in the yard and in our community.  Coupled with our Instructional Model, our SWPBS approach provides structural support as we strive to implement our mission “to provide powerful learning opportunities through high impact teaching” as we continual pursue our vision of “empowered, actively engaged individuals ready to take on the challenge”.

Kilsyth Primary School actively engages students and parents in the teaching and learning programs that take place. Students are provided with regular and targeted feedback specific to their learning intentions or goals. Positive reinforcement on success and strategies for future learning goals are addressed in whole class, small group and one on one situations. Students are supported to develop individual learning goals and are assisted by their class teacher to self-assess their own learning.  Active community involvement is strongly encouraged at KPS.  Our School Council provides extensive support to all aspects of the school’s endeavour.  Our students are active members of our school community. We have an energetic Student Representative Council, student leadership groups, and lunchtime clubs and activities. Parent involvement in the many aspects of school life is highly valued, both in the classroom and through working bees and fundraising activities, and demonstrates a strong feeling of connectedness. The school proactively builds community links with the establishment of a Playgroup on the school site and a weekly buddy program with local kindergartens.


You can read more about our school in the reports below.