Register your interest in our Twilight School
If you would like to register your intention to attend or book a tour on our Twilight School on Wednesday 2nd May (12pm – 6.30pm) please contact us using one of the methods below. Our very helpful reception team will ensure your message reaches the right person and we will get back to you ASAP.
Send Us a Message:
Call Us:
(03) 9725 4320
Email Us:
Send Us a Letter:
Kilsyth Primary School
Durham Rd
Kilsyth, 3137
Or Stop by to visit us in person…
Kilsyth PS

YES! I would like an information pack to be mailed to me…
Enter your details below and we will mail you an information pack. This pack includes information about our school, enrolment process, transition program, uniform ordering, playgroup and out of hours school care arrangements.